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Kamis, 10 Januari 2008

Property Management & Marketing

Involving a professional property management team in the early stages of construction may well be the key to commercial success. Where, in the past, it was more common to bring in management towards the end of the project, such is the power afforded by professional management that many potential owners now seek to form a relationship before the architects pencil has even touched paper.

Bali Homes Management, is the island's top such management company. In addition to operating their villas on a par with the very best hotels in the world, Bali Homes Management has such experience of the rental market, that its input into any potentially commercial project is invaluable. With advice on how to design, build, maintain and even locate a villa, based on extensive knowledge of the market potential.

In cooperation with the individual owners of each of the BHM properties, BHM assumes the responsibility for every aspect of villa operation. The benefit to the owners in this relationship is enormous. By handing this task over to BHM, the owner avoids many of the pitfalls and difficulties of villa management, maximizing the earning potential of the property and allowing it to become a well run vacation home and a lucrative business investment.

1 komentar:

hendra mengatakan...

Bali has a great Property property management system is self...


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