Ownership Options
For Non-Indonesian Individuals
The term for freehold title in Indonesian language is Hak Milik. Although there have a numbe of legislative committees formed since the early 1990's to discuss liberalizing foreign ownership rules, Indonesian law does not yet permit foreigners to hold this form of title.
Leasehold (or Hak Sewa)
This is a contractual agreement between the land owner and the foreigner. While leases are often notarized documents they have no official record of existence in the Lands Department. As such there can be difficulties in enforcement when there are conflicting documents or multiple lease agreements (not so uncommon given Balinese land is often owned by extended families).
Nominee structure
Similar to the above this is a contractual agreement - in this case between a foreigner and an Indonesian national whom he nominates to hold the Hak Milik title (on his behalf). This structure typically has several agreements (such as right to use and right to sell) as well as a mortgage agreement which states that the Indonesian nominee has borrowed the money in order to buy the property.
A foreign investment, limited liability Company incorporated in Indonesia is commonly known as a PT PMA. All Indonesian companies whether they are Indonesian-owned or are foreign invested, are allowed to hold a 'Right to Build' title called Hak Guna Bangunan (HGB). In this case the freehold title ( Hak Milik) is relinquished to the state and the company is given possession of the property under a right to use title (normally) granted for a period of 30 years with rights of extension (+20 + 30 years) - each extension subject to tax.
The 'Right to Use' (Hak Pakai) - Recommended Ownership Option
It is recommended that purchasers take advantage of the leading ownership structure now permitted by the National Land Agency in Bali known as the Hak Pakai over Hak Milik title.
Hak Pakai means "Right of Use" and is the only certificate of title to land, recognized and sanctioned by Indonesian law, which can be held personally in the name of a foreign purchaser. The Hak Pakai title is not a lease as the Hak Pakai certificate of title actually issues in the name of the foreign owner and the owner's interest is noted as an encumbrance on the Hak Milik title unlike a leasehold structure.
A special variation to the Hak Pakai title is known as " Hak Pakai atas Tanah Hak Milik" which means "Right of Use over Freehold Land". This form of Hak Pakai title effectively "floats" above and charges the underlying freehold Hak Milik title, which is reserved exclusively for Indonesian nationals. The freehold Hak Milik owner grants the purchaser a Hak Pakai title of an initial 25 year term with three prepaid twenty-five year renewals thus providing one hundred years of secure ownership tenure to the property.
From an investment and asset protection aspect, while providing a legal and clear direct title to the foreign owner, this structure also offers the benefit of preserving the underlying Hak Milik title. Among all the other forms of ownership title ( Hak Sewa, HGB - Hak Guna Bangunan, Hak Pakai - Right of Use with underlying Hak Milik extinguished), the Hak Milik is considered the valuable and easily transferable and mortageable by all financial institutions. Thus the usage of this ownership structure protects the underlying strength of the asset.
Freehold vs. Leasehold
There are essentially two types of property ownership in Bali; a freehold structure or a leasehold structure. In considering your reasons for purchasing a villa, it will generally become clear which ownership structure is most suitable.Five or ten years ago, the leasehold structure was the preferred method of purchase in Bali, mainly as it was the easiest system to follow, and land prices were not particularly expensive. Now, due to subsequent land depreciation inherent in this type of ownership structure (the purchaser does not own or control the underlying title of the land, so that they benefit little from the land price increases), it is no longer the preferred method of acquisition. Rising property values, in areas such as Seminyak, however, now discourage Balinese land owners from selling land outright, and they would still generally prefer a leasehold in some areas of Bali, the leasehold structure is the only option available for acquiring a villa.
It is imperative to carefully examine how a contract is written when acquiring an existing house through a leasehold structure, with careful considerations to pricing and lease extensions. Most lease agreements have some sort of extension option, although you should be careful to fully understand the means by which the extension may be activated. Sometimes the extension can only be activated by mutual agreement, which means that the time at which extension discussions can begin must also be agreed upon mutually by the landowner and the leaseholder. This can lead to problems if the landowner does not agree to give an extension at the time the leaseholder requires it.Secondly, many contracts are unclear about the cost of extending and often use the term "market price" to indicate the price for the extension. The central drawback with this is that the real estate market in Bali is not the most liquid or easily measured market in the world, i.e., every piece of land is different. Oftentimes the leaseholder (who has invested considerable money into a villa) might wind up in a disadvantaged situation where the landlord can set a price and say, "Pay this amount or give me back the house." The best forms of lease extensions are the ones that are indexed to physical commodities and the option is exercised by the sole decision of the leaseholder.
When choosing whether to buy land freehold or leasehold, you should be aware of the ramifications of each with regards to the potential value of the investment. Purchasing land freehold allows you to enjoy the appreciation in the value of the land, which has been fairly dramatic in Bali in past years.
If you opt to purchase land leasehold, you lose out on this, as depreciation starts relatively soon, depending on the term of the lease. Every year that passes on a lease devalues the entire deal. For example, if you have got 30 years on a lease, it actually might appreciate for the first 5 years, but over the next 25 years the value of the whole package goes down. Depreciation is even more dramatic if you invest a large sum of money into renovating the house 5 or 10 years before the end of your lease, as you are improving a facility which you are not going to own in 5 or 10 years. A rising value of the land or improvements of any structures on the land can, in certain situations, offset time driven depreciation.
At the end of any lease, the building and the land is returned to the original landowner. So, by purchasing leasehold, you are, essentially renting the property long term. In the intermediate period you will enjoy the benefits of the property, including the possibilities if sub-letting, but you are denying yourself the potential for capital appreciation on the property. By purchasing freehold, you get the best of all worlds. You have a house in Bali, which you can continue to add to, safe in the knowledge that you have a sellable asset at such time as you choose to sell.
A Typical Transaction
The following summary outlines the essential steps involved in a foreign investor transacting a Hak Milik ("Freehold Title") property in Indonesia and creating a Hak Pakai ("Right of Use") certificate of title directly in the name of the foreign investor as an en encumbrance on the underlying Hak Milik.
This certificate of title is highly secured and known as Hak Pakai atas tanah Hak Milik which translates as "Right of Use over Freehold Land".
Phase A- Due Diligence
The Notary initially checks all aspects of the Hak Milik property and advises in relation to any impediments to acquisition of the Hak Milik property.
Phase B - Hak Milik Transfer
Should the foreigner decide to proceed on the basis of the favorable outcome of the due diligence, the Indonesia Hak Milik owner executes with the nominee/designee of the foreigner, who must be an Indonesian citizen, either:
(a) an Akta Jual Beli ("AJB" or "Sale and Purchase Agreement") pursuant to which 100% of the purchase price is paid; or
(b) a Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli ("PPJB" or "Agreement Binding for Sale and Purchase") pursuant to which a deposit is paid subject to payment of the balance of the purchase price. The deposit is generally not held by a stakeholder but is typically paid to the vendor.
Phase C - Hak Pakai atas Tanah Hak Milik
The Notary executes a Deed of Grant of Hak pakai ("Akta Pemberian Hak Pakai atas Hak Milik") between the Hak Milik owner/designee and the foreigner pursuant to which the Hak Milik owner grants the Hak Pakai title to the foreigner.
By separate Notarial Deed, the Hak Pakai owner may also prepay to the Hak Milik owner a number of agreed twenty-five year renewals (i.e. 25 years + 3 x 25 year renewals + 100 year tenure).
The Hak Pakai owner obtains a certificate of title in his name and with the agreement of the Hak Milik owner is entitle to keep the original Hak Milik title in his possession until expiration of the term.
Often as part of the transaction, where a number f Hak Milik titles are held, an amalgamation of titles must occur prior to creation of the Hak Pakai as the Hak Pakai must be granted over only on Hak Milik title.
1 komentar:
Kontraktor Bangunan di Area Pulau Jawa dan Nusra Bali Kantor Rumah dan Jasa Renovasi
Mengapa Memilih Kami
Lebih Dari Sekedar Membangun
Kami adalah tim profesional jasa kontraktor bangun rumah dan kontraktor renovasi rumah Anda. Suatu kehormatan bagi kami dapat menjadi mitra Anda dan kami bangga melakukan lebih dari sekedar merenovasi atau membangun rumah Anda.
Rumah Cermin Kepribadian
Tujuan kami, menjadi mitra yang jujur dan amanah untuk menciptakan rumah yang mencerminkan selera pribadi Anda, hingga Anda merasa seperti memasuki sebuah dunia milik Anda sendiri sejak saat Anda melangkah masuk
Kepuasan Anda, Obsesi Kami
Kami membantu Anda membangun gaya hidup yang selalu Anda inginkan. Selama proses pembangunan, kami bekerjasama dengan Anda untuk memastikan Anda benar-benar puas dengan setiap detail dari rumah baru Anda.
Kontraktor Renovasi Rumah dan Bangun Rumah
Kami adalah salah satu web support yang menyediakan jasa kontraktor bangun rumah, kontraktor renovasi rumah, bangun Apartemen , bangun Villa , bangun Hotel , bangun Restoran dan bangunan lainnya… Silahkan bereksplorasi untuk mengenal kami lebih jauh dan kami ucapkan terima kasih atas kunjungan Anda
Dengan berbekal pengalaman kerja yang cukup lama dan kekuatan team dalam menangani pembangunan properti di Bali , mengerjakan jasa kontraktor bangunan berbagai ragam konstruksi hotel, perumahan, atau rumah tinggal, ruko dan toko hingga ruang eksebisi baik renovasi maupun membangun dari awal, mewujudkan keinginan anda membangun rumah impian, apartemen hingga kantor yang representatif. Keahlian dan spesialisasi yang kami miliki ditawarkan secara online melalui situs ini. Memudahkan pelanggan baru yang membutuhkan jasa kontraktor bangunan yang kami tawarkan dan menemukan kami secara online.
Kami spesialis dibidang properti mulai dari awal dengan sketsa rumah, merancang konstruksi bangunan diawali dari desain jasa arsitektur, struktur rumah serta interior desain, ruko (rumah toko), ruang kantor siap pakai untuk disewakan (serviced office) pada gedung gedung strata title, coffee shop dan lain lain.
Menghitung estimasi biaya RAB (Rencana Anggaran Biaya). Pelaksanaan pembangunan rumah minimalis modern dan rumah mewah di AREA BALI hingga memasarkan perumahan baru dengan mitra online kami melalui situs jual properti yang dikelola oleh ahli internet marketing Indonesia sekaligus agen properti profesional di Denpasar Bali.
Kami adalah penyedia jasa Arsitek profesional yang khusus menangani Desain Rumah /Perencanaan Rumah Tinggal dan Konstruksi Bangunan. Melayani :
1. Gambar Arsitek, Desain Rumah dan Gambar Kerja
2. Jasa Kontraktor Rumah ( Bangun Rumah Baru dan Renovasi Total 100 % )
3. Pekerjaan Interior
4. Pekerjaan Landscape
5. Menyediakan Desain Rumah Siap Bangun
6. Perhitungan Rencana Anggaran Biaya ( RAB )
Hubungi kami untuk diskusi lebih lanjut dengan konsultan arsitek memulainya dari rancang bangun, berbagai macam konstruksi atau renovasi kantor bangunan yang sudah ada. Merenovasi interior kios maupun toko di mall hingga gudang dan workshop menyesuaikannya dengan perkembangan usaha anda.
Hp. 0819 1653 9805 / +62 852 3891 5028
Email: project.teammanagement@yahoo.co.id
WEBSITE RESMI :: http://mitrabangunanmurah.blogspot.com
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